Sl. No. | Utilization of Land | Area (ha.) |
1 | Under Building, Demonstration Units & Roads | 1 |
2 | Field Crops | 12.5 |
3 | Horticultural Crops | 3 |
4 | Crop Cafeteria | 0.4 |
5 | Waste Land - Runnel, Ponds etc | 1.78 |
Total | 18.68 |
Sl. No. | Name of Building | Status | 1 | Administrative Building | With Well Equipped Training Hall, Library, Exhibition Gallery. |
2 | Soil Testing Laboratory | Facilities for Analysis of Major Plant Nutrients (N,P,K&S) |
3 | Farmers Hostel | Accommodation for 40 Farmers with Mess Facility. |
4 | Staff Quarter | 06 No. |
5 | Demonstration Units | 08 No. (Dairy, Goatry, Poultry, Fingerlings, Vermi Compost, Nadep Compost, Azolla). |
6 | Farm Godown | 20 Ton Capacity. |
7 | Threshing Floor | For Threshing & Grading Of Farm Produce. |
8 | Farm Fencing | Well Fenced Farm Through Barbed Wire. |
Sl. No. | Name of Items | Quantity (No.)/ Area (ha) |
1 | L.C.D. Projector | 2 |
2 | Computer & Laptops | 3 |
3 | Tractor With All Necessary Tools And Equipments | 1 |
4 | Power Tiller (13.5 H.P.) | 1 |
5 | Jeep (Mahindra Bolero) | 1 |
6 | Motor Bike | 02 (Condemned) |
7 | Dug Well & Bore Well etc | 06 |
8 | Drip Irrigation | 02 ha |
9 | Sprinkler Set | 2 |