The district is situated at central part of Madhya Pradesh with longitude and latitude of 220 32’ to 230 40’ North and 760 22’ to 780 03’ on East, respectively. It stands in the foothills of Vindhyachal Range in the middle of Malwa region. The District is spread over an area of 8,578 square km and it is surrounded by seven district viz.. Bhopal, Raisen, Hoshangabad, Dewas, Shajapur, Harda and Raigarh.

Demographic Profile

District/ Tehsil Sex ratio Literacy (%) Total Population SC ST
Distt- Sehore 918 70.06 683743 627589 1311332 271281 145512
Sehore 916 75.05 143539 131539 275078 48229 11128
Shyampur 899 67.07 80246 72108 152354 29008 2262
Ashta 908 70.14 131462 122000 253462 68399 5806
Jawar 932 66.05 56142 52319 108461 40109 6147
Ichhawar 928 65.17 84198 78109 162307 34006 33384
Budni 889 73.78 48652 43254 91906 14535 13296
Rehti 919 70.82 47670 43831 91501 10235 24859
Nasrullaganj 919 69.14 91834 84429 176263 26760 48630

(Source: Census -2011)

Administrative Structure

Division 02 (Sehore & Budni)
Block 05 (Sehore, Ashta, Ichhawar, Nasrullaganj & Budni)
Tehsil 08 (Sehore, Shyampur, Ashta, Jawar, Ichhawar, Nasrullaganj, Rehti & Budni)
Village Panchayat 497
Village 1019

Agro-Ecological Situation

Agro Climate Zone Agro- Ecological Situation Block Covered Area in ‘000 Ha. Soil Type
Vindhyan Plateau Vindhyan Plateau (AES- I) Sehore, Asta and Ichhawar 409.494 Medium Black
Central Narmada Valley Budani & Nasrullaganj 246.874 Medium Black & Alluvial Soil
Total Area - - 656.368 -

Average Annual Rainfall of
Previous Five Years (mm)

S.No. Blocks 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
1 Sehore 985.0 1639.7 827.0 1012.0 1555.7
2 Asta 1029.0 1156.0 993.0 1059.0 1120.5
3 Ichhawar 1245.0 1482.0 906.0 993.8 1556.7
4 Budani 1747.0 1270.0 1147.0 1234.0 1613.2
5 Nasrullaganj 1731.0 1600.0 987.4 1352.0 1414.0
Average 1347.4 1429.5 972.1 1130.2 1452.02

(Deptt of FW&AD, Sehore)

Land Use Pattern

Distt/ Tehsil Geographical Area (ha) Cultivated Area (ha) Double Cropped Area (ha) Irrigated Area (ha) Forest Land (ha) Fallow land (ha)
District 656368 397646 331647 341319 172404 1053
Sehore 84625 59667 56183 48742 7908 549
Syampur 73583 57142 44923 45144 4156 195
Ashta 91804 69496 57686 47602 7924 41
Jawar 55397 31669 23390 19420 17988 12
Ichhawar 104085 52139 35436 30190 38857 32
Budni 53821 29274 19564 40788 18628 7
Nasrullaganj 108832 61955 67103 71746 34790 217
Rehti 84221 36304 27362 37687 42153 -

(Source- DPO, Sehore)

Land Holdings in the District

Total No. of Villages Marginal( < 1.0 ha. ) Small( 1 – 2 ha. ) Semi. Medium( 2 – 4 ha. ) Medium( 4 – 10 ha. ) Large ( > 10 ha. ) Total

No. Área (ha) No. Área (ha) No. Área (ha) No. Área (ha) No. Área (ha) No. Area (ha)
46292 25222 57427 82299 41687 115015 23435 `137452 2698 42506 171565 402494

(Source- DPO, Sehore)


    Types of Soil

  • Deep Black cotton Soil (More than 60 cm depth) – 20 % area
  • Medium Black Cotton Soil (30 – 60 cm depth) – 60 % area
  • Shallow Black Cotton Soil (Less than 30 cm depth) –20 % area

Nutrient Status

S No Parameters Sehore Ashta Ichhawar Budni N. ganj
1 pH Value 7.4 (N) 7.7 (N) 7.6 (N) 7.8 (N) 7.6 (N)
2 O C (%) 0.54 (M) 0.61 (M) 0.62 (M) 0.58 (M) 0.58 (M)
3 P (kg/ha) 13.0 (M) 14.5 (M) 13 (M) 15 (M) 14 (M)
4 K (kg/ha) 376 (H) 369 (H) 397 (H) 475 (H) 381 (H)
5 EC (ds/ M) 0.22 (N) 0.24 (N) 0.22 (N) 0.27 (N) 0.24 (N)
(Source: Status Report KVK – Sehore)


Distt/ Canals (Area) Tanks Open well Tube/ Bore wells
Tehsil No Area No Area No Area No Area
District – Sehore 96 74995 64 24355 38958 103744 24319 91520
Sehore 5 - 14 16170 7418 14762 6744 15185
Syampur 4 3015 3 1799 6363 16931 3930 13756
Ashta 2 160 7 877 6381 15140 6620 24525
Jawar 1 151 7 70 2620 5071 3580 12713
Ichhawar 9 288 24 1322 7358 15173 1798 3000
Budni 46 13354 3 1510 2504 8016 704 16223
Nasrullaganj 20 30090 4 2400 4109 20666 502 5365
Rehti 9 27937 2 207 2205 7985 441 753

(Source: DPO, Sehore)


Distt/ Tehsil Plough Bullock Cart Irrigation pump Tractors Sugarcane speller
Wooden Iron Diesel Electrical Bullock Drown Power Drown
District 37571 15379 33713 7940 50984 10344 156 1114
Sehore 6511 1819 3202 1705 8270 1510 22 108
Syampur 1190 1416 2688 1311 6150 1810 - 42
Ashta 10660 1495 12720 840 15222 1193 65 405
Jawar 4120 4237 4270 560 8500 467 - 90
Ichhawar 6550 650 4647 1394 7034 1084 - 447
Budni 2955 2098 2140 600 2103 1549 - -
Nasrullaganj 3435 2899 1796 1130 2160 1831 - -
Rehti 2150 765 2250 400 1545 900 69 22

(Source: DPO, Sehore)


Year Soybean Paddy Pigeon pea Wheat Chickpea
2011-12 289.8 262.5 906 11.39 12.06 1059 14.71 8.82 600 223.94 778.6 3477 100.27 80.28 680
2012-13 308.7 266.3 863 17.3 68.85 3980 9.33 5.88 630 237.51 681.65 2870 97.56 139.6 1396
2013-14 291.2 127.6 438 21.2 84.8 4000 10.42 6.24 599 238 714 3000 120 87.02 892
2014-15 272.0 366.7 1348.0 35.0 176.5 5042.0 10.7 64.8 606.0 241.6 850.9 3522.0 97.0 122.5 1263.0
2015-16 296.0 438.0 1296.6 23.6 8256.0 3500.0 9.76 87.84 900.00 230.1 805.3 3500.0 91.84 116.6 1270.0

A=Area (000,Ha), P=Production (000,Mt), Y=Yield (kg/ha)

Source: DPO & DDA, Sehore

Block wise Area and Production of Horticultural Crops

(Area in ha, production in MT)

No. Block Fruit Vegetable Spices Flowers Medicinal
1 Sehore 750 16500 1986 31776 1426 109802 50 2050 1.31 6.79
2 Ashta 683 15026 1775 28400 1195 92015 35 1435 - -
3 Ichhawar 1057 23254 1885 30160 1055 81235 38 1558 0.5 2.59
4 Budni 211 4642 1660 26560 698 53746 106 4346 - -
5 Nas,ganj 578 12716 1450 23200 868 66836 80 3288 - -
Total 3279 72138 8756 140096 5242 38563 309 12677 1.81 9.38

Source: Department of Horticulture, Sehore


(Area in ha, production in MT)

Distt/ Tehsil Cattle (N0.) Buffaloes (No) Sheep Goat Horse Pig Poultry
Hen Duck Total
District – Sehore 281150 124060 616 73985 374 4215 89467 111 69578
Sehore 47082 13803 158 6227 47 829 10852 - 18052
Syampur 27225 17755 52 10128 11 560 10737 - 10737
Ashta 70667 33462 373 14840 178 1260 8890 50 8940
Jawar 26416 13849 - 7820 35 130 5890 - 5890
Ichhawar 49274 19462 13 12289 49 554 27925 21 7946
Budni 20464 8272 20 8903 11 174 7997 - 7997
Nasrullaganj 21045 9699 - 9078 25 508 6726 - 6726
Rehti 18977 7758 - 3800 18 200 3250 40 3290

(Source – DPO, Sehore)


Year Fish seed (Lakh) Collection of fish seed (Finger ling - Lakh) Fish Production (M.ton)
Spawn Fry
2009 - 10 40.00 19.74 1.86 9.627
2010 - 11 30.00 30.00 1.86 13.710
2011-12 81.00 28.30 1.86 10.500
2012 -13 97.00 31.17 1.86 8.074
2013 - 14 105.00 33.20 1.86 12.034

(Source – Deptt of Fisheries, Sehore)